Something holds me from….

No matter what I’m doing right now or in the future…I’m still thinking how to conquer the world using backpacking style.

Inspired by several backpacker bloggers, I would say I want to be a backpacker one day (26 years old)
But, what elements suspend me to chase my dream to be a backpacker?
Let’s find out :

1) Fear
This physical symptom happens to everyone. I believe, you guys have at least 1 fear towards something (wild animal, driving, commitment or even fear of facing problem). In my situation, the thought of being far away from home was terrifying me. I’m afraid everything’s here will be changed after I leave. What’s going to happen if I travel around the world? Do I still have a chance attending my friend’s wedding? Or am I going to catch up all coolest events in KL?

My first time in Bandung, Indonesia

2) Financial

This one should be my biggest problem right now. But I put it as my second elements as if I can afford it, I still think twice. As you all know, I just graduated (last year) with 1 and a half year experience in Marketing field. I need to save money for my shopping, car, gossip session and family. Fortunately, so far, I still can afford my vacation to Bandung, Korea, islands and many more. All I need to do right now is saving. I should set my target starting from now.

3) Family

The last time I’m away with my family was in 2003-2004. I went to boarding school in Bentong, Pahang. I still remember how painful and homesick I was. I miss my ibu, opah, sisters and my cats so much. I cried everytime I see someone cried. I still remember I can’t even talk on the phone because I was crying listening to my ibu’s voice. You can imagine how bad when I’m away from my family. I am a family person. I can’t live alone. I only eat what my ibu loves. So how can I live without my family around? Think about it, Safura!

My family during Fara’s convocation

4) Single lady 🙂
I browsed over quite a number of blogs about single female traveler. They listed down all the tips and tricks that I found useful. I definitely will use it once I decided to travel alone.

5) Risk
Once I decided to travel, I have to take a risk especially everything related to my future. I have to quit my job, leave my favorite people, my darlings, my beloved friends, sell my baby S or even forgetting my mission to own house before I reach 30. All the risk I’ll take will give impacts towards myself. I will have new routine which I’ve been dreaming since the first time I hit AirAsia’s website. The question here, when and how I’ll be ready to take all the risk? (Me myself is unsure about it). While most of friends discussing about their theme color for wedding, I might be researching on next destination to go. Or even while they’re posting updates about their kids, I might be posting my photos on other culture. Mix feeling ***

This is all points that makes my travel planning postponed.
Appreciate your opinions and suggestions that can help me chase my dream before I hit 27 years old.


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