Personal Travel Tips :)

Travel is my all time favorite. No matter what I did, I’ll put travel as one of my priorities. Through visiting other countries, I will appreciate every single moment of my life. And I love the way it takes my life to …Uuuuu!!! *melancholic*. So I would like to share with you some general tips as your guidelines. Make every moment counts with the tips:
1) Wake up early
No matter how late you sleep, please wake up early. You don’t come all the way from home just to open your eyes in the afternoon right? So set your alarm at least at 5am (local time). Just like I did J I always have my iPod by my side. I will set the alarm with the most annoying sound. When travel in group, be responsible at least for others. Wake up early and call your friends or knock their room. Like I said, don’t waste so much time on the bed. You can do that once you arrived home.
2) Talk to locals
Go and Google at least 10 most popular phrases used by local. Imagine yourself helping a lost tourist and he/she said ‘Terima Kasih’ to you. I bet you’ll automatically smile. Same thing apply once you learned local phrases. They will appreciate your good effort. It’s excellent start for you to talk with them. Ask lots of questions and advices. When I travelled to Korea last year, I have to ask lots of directions from them. Even though they can’t speak English, they still put 100% effort to help us. SALUTE!
Friendly aunties in Korea
3) Walk and walk and walk
Every trip I’ve been, it requires super strong feet to walk more than 500m a day. Mampu? Yes, it’s true. When you choose to be a traveler, you have no idea how far the journey from A to B until you experienced it by yourself. My advice: Be prepared with all circumstances will happens. Bring your comfy shoes. For me, my Nike running shoes will treat my foot like a princess. Jangan pakai walking shoes if you do backpacking. Nanti kaki sakit. And I guess, it’s better for you to leave your fancy high heels home.
Cover my face from the sun as I walked to MRT in Bangkok.
4) Drink plenty of water
Keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water. The current recommended amount of water is 8 glasses. But it depends on weather. If it’s too dry, you better consume more. Or else it will make you weak. Walking with my backpack will be easier as I will bring 2 water bottles max with me. And the result is, I visit washroom regularly compared to others. There’s a time when I was heading to Bangkok from floating market, I was the reason why the tour got delayed. I have to stop at the petrol station and the driver was so patient to have me in the group. Hehe. I’m sorry!
Look at our water bottles, bersepah. But don’t worry we’re in Korea. *discipline*
5) Take extra care on your belongings.
This is the most important thing you should know. 1st thing 1st: Jagalah your passport. Some people said you should put it in a safety box in your room. But what if someone knows your password and takes your passport? And what will happens if you carry your passport together with you and someone pickpocket you? During my visit to Bandung last year, ada Malaysian ni kene pickpocket time kat Pasar Baru. 12 Juta rupiah gone macamtu aje and of cos passport pun hilang. She went mad, obviously. So please guys, jangan excited sangat time kat negara orang. We’ll never know apa akan jadi next. It might be great experience and baddddd…..
Me and my friends’ baggage


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