MTV Worldstage 2012 – Surf Beach Sunway Lagoon

So I heard 16,000 cool peeps flocked to Sunway Lagoon last 14 July 2012 and I’m one of them? Such a memorable moment for me and of course a record-breaking for MTV WorldStage in Malaysia! Everybody was so excited to witness no.1 pop teen sensation Justin Bieber, Kpop superstars KARA, Jay Park and our talented local artist : Mizz Nina.

Most of people didn’t know that Justin Bieber will be an opening act for MTVWS. But I knew about it as I went to Justin Bieber press conference at KL Convec earlier. He performed a couple of songs for us. Bieber, kau memang talented. Time tu jugaklah terus jatuh cinta dengan lagu As Long As you Love Me… Sadly, I can’t share any photos during the PC. Organizer took my phone to avoid any recording during the PC.

After the PC, me, Fifie and my sister terus bersiap ke Sunway. Thanks ye Azwan Ali a.k.a Fifie Nazahuddin kerana menumpangkan kami beramai-ramai ke Sunway. Kami semua sampai around 5.30pm. But I need to bring Fifie to Hot & Roll for her dinner. After dins, terus cari entrance. Since me and Fifie have VIP pass, kiteorang need to proceed to different entrance (near hotel). So we really excited nak tahu, apa bezanya VIP, X Zone and Admits One pass. Bezanya ialah, we all ada foods and meja, all access to any entrance and exit. Tetapi, kalau compare dengan view towards stage, memang VIP  sangatlah jauh.

Photowall at MTV Worldstage 2012
Arrived near the stage
Oh I love foods. Who doesn’t?

Kalau nak tengok Justin Bieber tu, nampakla red pants and black shirt. Dianya non hado Nampak clear. But kiteorang pun takdelah muda lagi nak berasak-asak untuk ke depan stage. Itu Farahin and the gang je yang mampu buat okey! Tak sampai beberapa mins, kiteorang sampai terus amik foods and drinks. Macam-macam ada, tapi we ols dah kenyang. Rugi jeeee membazir free foods

While we having great time at VIP zone, tetiba je terdengar suara adik-adik Bieber menjerit. Then tetiba dengar suara Justin Bieber nyanyi… Apa lagi.. Berlari sakan cari spot untuk kembali ke zaman belasan tahun. Mungkin ramai yang benci akan Bieber ni, tapi jangan tak sangka ada je makcik2 and pakcik2 yang layan lagu die sambil goyang2 badan manja. Ha… Kiranya dia ni diterima ramai. Ada jugak adik2 belasan tahun yang menangis sepanjang performance Bieber. Sedeh!

VIP pass
Fifie with Beliebers

Tapi kiteorang maintain je. Maklumlah factor usia yang tidak mengizinkan untuk terlalu beremosi. Lagipun, lagu dia yang paling kiteorang minat pun, banyak dari album My World. Album Believe ni kurang sikit. Biasalah if lagu baru, memang susah nak diterima kan? Kena dengar lama- lama barulah ada feel. But I must admit yang Bieber memang bertenaga habis. The way he treated his fans pun dah lain compared to his first concert last year. Dia dah serasi agaknya dengan fans Malaysia yang supportive and cool.

 Weird photo
Oh Bieber… Sing along to your song was the best
Melalui screen besar, Bieber gigih menari

Habis je Bieber perform, ramai jugak budak2 yang beredar dari situ. Mungkin datang semata-mata nak tengok Bieber je ni. Tapi me and Fifie stay lagi sebab tak tahu nak buat apa dah. Next performer, haruslah dinanti-nanti oleh peminat2 fanatik K-Pop! It’s KARA- hotness made in Korea. They ended the performance with Terima Kasih Malaysia. Comel sungguh. After KARA, Mizz Nina takeover stage with super energetic dance. Sampailah Jay Park keluar, macam tak boleh layan je muzik Jay Park, terus balik! Hahahah seriously, tak boleh layan. Ramai yang balik time tu.

Overall, I think last year acts slightly better than this year. I really hope MTV can call Rihanna, David Guetta,  Nicki Minaj or even Mr. Pitbull. maybe it’s not cater to kids but come on! It’s MTV Worldstage, we need some world entertainment. Bukannya lip-synctertainment oops!

 Me and Azwan Fifie 

 Mizz Nina performance


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