Noah Live in Kuala Lumpur

When talked about how did I celebrated my 16 September, it will definitely makes me smile all day long. And smile… And close my eyes (I’m still smiling u know).
Received my invitation to catch Noah live in KL was a pleasure to me and my friends. Oh wait, before that, who’s Noah by the way? Ahaa… Sebenarnya, Noah ni adalah band yang telah di-rebrand kan dari Peter Pan (of course la infamous Indonesian band).
And bila bercakap tentang Peter Pan, seharusnya ramai yg akan teringat tentang Ariel…maybe few years back nama Ariel pasti popular dgn kisah2 yang xmanis rite?
But most of us definitely granted for 2nd chance and why not? Oh for sure we still love your talent and rindu banget sama suara kamu, Ariel…
So 16 Sept has witnessed his first public appearance with Noah in Malaysia. The best part was he had to perform in 5 different countries within 24hours. Wow! It was great idea and required superb energy. I bet u can do it…
Before the show starts, we have to go for meet and greet with one and only ARIEL… Isn’t that exciting. Yes I am!! Ok let me start with once I entered the room…
It was crowded. I’ve been in a group of 3 ladies. We went inside and the organizer placed us near a bunting. At that time, my eyes can’t stop screaming looking for Ariel. Oh where are you? (so dramatic)
Finally, he came to us. But before he reach us, bunch of guys blocked us cos they want to be photographed too. Ariel stopped at them and get ready for it. I was like…alaaaaaa!!!!
But but but…miracle happens (chewah siap miracle bagai)
He turned around and said, kenapa ya di belakang gini? With further action, he stand in a same row with me, Sue and the other lady… Ok I repeat precisely : he stand just beside meeee!
And I said to him, “Congratulations dgn ur comeback”. He replied, “Makasih ya”.Sue pon sibuk jugak nak salam. The other lady 3x panggil die utk salam tapi die tak dgr. And said sorry sbb die tak perasan… Habis je snap snap…
Macam biasalah tadi congrats, now good luck pulak (suke tgk die senyum). So die pon cakap terima kasih lagi… Oh sama2 kasih Ariel…Weyyyy, serious dia sangat hot, sweet and got charisma.
Time nk kluar tu, kena pulak tarik dengan media Indonesia utk bagi wish sikit kat Ariel. I must use this oppurtunity. So a bit panjang tapi hopefully abang editor insert kan my slot in the video. Jangan edit jadi personal collection dahlaa.
Keluar je… Terus Sue cakap kenapa lambat? Dapat peluk Ariel ke? Siot!!!! Of course lah tak, ingat ada special treatment ke? Aiyoooo hahahah
Around 4pm, performance from Noah pun start dgn sorakan ratusan pengunjung. Ternyata aura Peter Pan masih tetap unggul until today. 
Yang bestnya, Ariel asyik point kat kiteorang je tauuu… Yang di atas,katenyaaa….tapi, kat kiteorg jugak die tunjuk. Bukanlah kata nak perasan kan, tapi sampaikan orang sebelah kiteorg pon pandang kat kiteorang. Mesti die cakap, Luna Maya ke sebelah aku ni, yg Ariel duk tunjuk2. Bang, separuh saya pun belum tentu Luna Maya nya… Tapi nak buat camne kalau dah Ariel berminat ngan Luna Sapora kan? Matilahhh… Berangan je…
Ariel sempat perform beberapa lagu baru and  lagu lama beliau bersama Peter Pan. Aura mereka masih lagi kekal seperti dulu. Rata- rata pengunjung yang datang kesemuanya terdiri dari Malaysia dan juga Indonesia. Siap bawak banner Bandung lagi. Kalau tahu, naklah jugak bawak kain-kain ela yg penah beli kat Bandung dulu. Nak cakap kat Ariel, ni I beli dari kampong u tau… hahah!
Apa-apa pun, memang showcase NOAH ni terbaik! Jomlah kita layan gambar- gambar kat bawah :
Me and Awan before the show starts (Got peace sign)

Bunting Noah

Semua orang malu nak amik gambar kat sini, tapi weols relax je 🙂

Emcee-d by Ira and Dina from ERA FM

Opening act : The Malayan
 And Ariel…

From my view

Sorry about the quality of my picture

Serenade with him…

Me and Suraya

Bumped into Shikin

And 6ixth Sense

Keep em coming!
Energy energy!

Red side of us

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