Quit your job and have back up plan

“How you do it Safura?”

“You inspired me!”

“Kak Pora, bestnya dapat travel jauh-jauh, kite pun teringin. Tapi tak tahu camne”

Among the comments and emails I received when they know I quit my job and travel to Europe for a month. But before I start my latest post, aku nak ucapkan jutaan terima kasih atas komen dan sokongan uols selama ini. Appreciate sangat. As we are ready to take off on ‘flight 2016’, I would like to have one final look at my 2015. And I just want to share with you on how I handle my ups and downs. So, fasten your seat belts and let’s go thru this story. 2015 – A year where I quit my job and have back up plan!

Aku sendiri pernah curious on how people quit their job and travel. Is it possible to quit and travel? Mana nak dapat duit untuk travel? Dan selain ter-inspired dengan cerita traveler lain tentang pengembaraan mereka ke seluruh dunia, aku kerap kali terfikir, selain bekerja, tiada cara lain lagi ke untuk aku earn money? Is 9-5 the only thing I can do to earn money? Come on, dunia ni luas, takkan itu je aku boleh buat untuk tampung duit pergi merayap ke seluruh dunia?

In this post, I’ m not gonna ask you to Quit Your Job and Travel. You will found thousands of articles that inspire you to do that… Like NOW! Tapi, kat sini aku nak ceritakan pengalaman aku sendiri semasa aku decide untuk berhenti kerja and travel. Aku mengaku yang aku takut dan bingung time nak berhenti kerja tu. Tapi, aku tak happy. Dan untuk happy aku kena ambil risiko. Risiko yang aku ambil ni bukan mudah. Lepas ni, aku dah tak boleh lah nak berjoli sakan dengan kawan-kawan lepak sana sini. Shopping  beriya. Yelah, dah tak keje nak bayar segala pakai apa?



Itulah antara perkara yang aku pikirkan sebelum aku buat keputusan. But, someone told me, once Allah close 1 door, He will opens another door which is better than before. Dan my resignation letter dihantar dengan hati yang tenang.

Selepas sahaja aku keluar dari office aku pada hari terakhir, seriously benda yang sedih hanyalah nak tinggalkan rakan-rakan seperjuangan sahaja, yang lain….sumpah tak. That’s the happiest feelings ever. No more emails, office hour, BOSS and politics. This world, all mine! Drive balik ke rumah and aku terus peluk diri sendiri. For the first time ever, I’m so proud of myself. This feeling lagi hebat dari feeling dapat anugerah time belajar dulu. Serious.


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Even before aku berhenti, aku memang dah standby Euro trip itinerary dengan segala plan. Like my post title, even you quit, back up plan is a must especially on savings. Don’t quit and do nothing. That doesn’t help you at all. And I would say I’m quite lucky coz baru je quit, aku menang pulak tiket ke Los Angeles ditaja sepenuhnya. Alhamdulillah. Masa tu, aku mula sedar yang new door has opened. And I’m going to LA for Fast and Furious 7 gais. Meet Vin Diesel live in person for FREE. Even my 5 years paycheck couldn’t even get me into this opportunity. Alhamdulillah.

IMG_0433Front row for Vin Disel speech. Thanks for this opportunity 🙂

I had blast in LA. Back to Malaysia to my new routine of having 24/7 to myself. I had breakfast with my mom(everyday without fails), start to do more housework, learn to cook from my grandma, got to meet all inspired people who introduce you about money-making. Part ni paling aku suka. Like everyday, aku akan berjumpa dengan orang yang sentiasa ajak aku ber-bisnes. Even with investment or MLM pon ada. I tend to open my mind to accept all possibilities. For me, everything can make money. Tak semestinya only 9-5 work will feed you and segala persoalan selama ni sudah pun terjawab.

This is the phase where I called, everything is possible in life. Slowly try to adapt this but I got to put that aside as my mission to travel Europe for a month is just around the corner. I packed my things and took a flight to Paris. I was so excited. My long plan to travel to Europe has finally come.

DSC04266My Europe journey

Let’s have a little throwback :

I still remember when the first time I plan to explore Europe. I was in my first company, back in 2010, trying my best to draft itinerary and when it comes to flight booking. I close the page. I don’t know when I will have time and money. But for sure, I have a dream.

Then, I left my draft itinerary in computer folder without even care to complete the mission. And 5 years later, I create new Excel file and forgot where did I put my previous draft of planning. Sounds like easy task, just hit new document and proceed with your research. Putting your desired country to visit is easy but the determination to  make it happens, I swear… it requires detailed planning and faith.

As I learned, life doesn’t work where you wait for that time to come. You got to plan and have clear mission on how you could achieve your dreams. So do I.

And my dream to explore Europe for a month came true. But never thought that I will do it by quitting my job. Never! Few days before come back to Malaysia, I feel like I’m going back to my same routine soon. For sure. Get a new job and stick to 9-5 work. Oh my, when I was Istanbul, jealousnya tengok beberapa traveller yang akan sambung travel for 9 months, 12 months. How I wish I could do the same thing.

And coming back to Malaysia, with no job, no money, but I have a priceless asset on my own which is TIME. I realized, how hard life will treat you, the show must go on. It’s time to make use of what I have. Skill that always there but I never bother to use. Oh my… Teruknya rasa diri. Since Raya nak dekat, aku mula ambil tempahan kuih raya Blueberry Tart. Alhamdulillah, sambutan meriah dan merasa jugak jadi businesswoman.


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At the same time, aku dapat offer bekerja dan aku terima. Now, aku memang dah dapat kerja tapi bila aku ingat balik apa yang aku lalui beberapa bulan sebelum ini, experience yang aku lalui takkan boleh aku tukar dengan masa yang aku allocate dengan bekerja di office untuk dapatkan duit selama 5 tahun yang lepas. Kalau dalam resume, lagi banyak experience, lagi masyuklah gaji. Then, bolehlah buat saving, investment and shopping bagai.

Tapi, selepas semua perubahan yang aku lalui, aku tak pandang semua itu sebagai sesuatu yang aku bangga. Kerana dalam beberapa bulan tu, aku belajar lebih daripada experience yang perlu aku tulis dalam resume. You may be succesful in your world, but who are you to the world if you never appreciate yourself?

I learned to appreciate myself, time and people who worth keeping. Travel is not cheap. I know. But that’s what I love and I’m willing to invest on it. This is my ‘school of LIFE’. To love is to sacrifice. I sacrificed lots of my stuff and sell it to anyone who wants it. Afterall, you can’t bring your favorite camera with you if you’re died.

I tend to be more calculative in what I spent. Remove unecessary, ditch unwanted. And I’m quite surprise how much I can save from sacrifice lotsa things. Live in basic manner is super good. You’ll be amazed that most of the things you have right now is not even ‘needs’ to you, but all desires. Percayalah!

Back to the topic. Quit your job and have back up plan. if you’re not happy. Don’t get sick due to unhappy lifestyle. That’s what I did. I’m not happy. Even you give me the happiest job in the world but there’s no passion, I choose to be happy in my own way.

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Even today, if you ask me, do you regret with your choice? It’s not easy to get your previous position. Everyone dying to have your previous job. Do you think if you ask this question in advance to 50 years old me, I would regret?

I guess no! In fact, I’m thankful for the decision that I took to travel the world. This is something that no one can ever take away from me. You can have my previous job, but sorry, u can’t have what I experienced! Something that change my view of life and never believe what media told us. You got to experience it yourself and you will know why it happens.

For me, if you have a dream. Don’t you ever give up. Trust me, it’s never too late to set new one if you have any. Not happy? Quit. No one ask you to stay in ze suckiest life. Afterall, this is your life story. You have choice. Decide now. Walk to the path that are meant to you. Don’t let your fear stop you.

Find something you love doing. Give your 200% commitment. Best thing will come later. Like what my friend always tell me, if u find something you love, you will never feel tired of doing it. That’s what I do!

DSC08033Thank you for reading. May 2016 be our excellent journey. Insyallah 🙂

9 thoughts to “Quit your job and have back up plan”

  1. This is an eye-opener to me kak pora..yes sy admit yg sy tak enjoy dgn kerja skrang sbb mmg tak minat,tp terpaksa kerja haha..once dah addicted to travel kita akan cari jalan untuk quit the job tapi tetap ada halangan dari family dan financial.Sy mmg planning nak berhenti keje sbb fikir my life is not to pay bills,car and so on and sy nak freedom tapi ketakutan adalah perkara terbesar bila fikir komitmen yg perlu digalas..tapi sgt berharap satu hari nanti boleh quit the job,go travel,and spend time with family…arrr tetiba teringin nak jumpa u kak pora.

    1. you should jumpa kak pora! orangnya cantik dan berhati mulia. kadang2 sahaja gila-gila dan suka cakap lepas. Tapi hati dia baik 🙂

  2. selalu terfikir benda yang sama.. and i hate my job..at the sama time tertanya-tanya before this kak pora kerja apa?(belum habis geledah ur blog) hahahah.. anyway, semua orang nak buat apa yang kak pora buat.. inspired..

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